Amb Patti Smith ens submergim en la vida bohèmia de Nova York a finals dels 60. Un viatge a través de la música i la creativitat de l’artista que ha fusionat poesia i rock-and-roll.

Textos: Éramos unos niños (2010) ; El mar de coral (2012 [1996])

Música: Patti Smith, Kevin Shields (“The Coral Sea: Performance I, Part Two”); Patti Smith (“Till Victory”, “Are You Experienced”, “Dancing Barefoot”, “People Have the Power”, “Gimme Shelter”, “Land”, “April Fool”); Morton Feldman (“Something Wild in th City: Mary Ann’s Theme”); Majorstuen (“Sjoulken”); Kaki King (“Trying to Speak”, “Ooblck”, “It Runs and Breathes”, “Battle is a Learning”, “In the Beginning”, “Thoughts Are Born”); Philip Glass (“Aguas da Amazonia: Amazon River”); Benedicte Maurseth (“Til Knut”, “Fylgie”)

Dimecres 15 de Juliol